employee lending of Greece re-declare a 24-hour strike seeking to halt the activity of the country. Within a framework of strong social tension, is a response to the intentions of the Hellenic executive of further austerity measures which aims to raise 76,000 million bucks in a period until the year 2015 (which obviously we have to pay us; the people and not ellxs, which are amassing more wealth) obeying the designs of the International Monetary Fund that asks, in exchange for bailout (rescue = end of subjecting the economy to his whims) tough social reforms that continue the trail left by the relatively recent 10% cut in public spending or freezing pensions.
In a political and social environment of these characteristics Trabajadorxs Confederation of Greece and the Union of Civil Funcionarixs called a new general strike, which comes to be the second year and the twelfth counting the strikes of the past 2010 . Between Athens riots outside parliament and trade union demonstrations of a more peaceful, Greece was stalled again with an incredible response that left the country with more than 100 flights both into and out canceled and a considerable amount of paperwork having no choice but to modify tens of hours due to the participation of controladorxs vegan in the strike who spent four hours without water suit (think of what might happen if instead of four hours enjoying life against the suffocating routine that throws the mechanism of the elite, we do for four days or four weeks. Now tell me to knock down this block is impossible.). It has also paralyzed the transport by sea to the Greek islands and Italy have been affected and all administrative services, health and education sector have stalled completely or operating at minimal services.
According to police sources in the city of Athens today paraded around 20,000 people shouting slogans such as "that the crisis pay the plutocracy and not the people! "while carrying signs alluding to the unfair policies of the government, licks his ass to the IMF for the crumbs of misery.
A company official stated railway reporters: "We will not let us steal the bread from our homes and reduce staff in enterprises" . The railway company is one of many that now faces a tough job cuts and its response to the strike has certainly been exemplary.
Some private businesses and shops in the center of the Greek capital if they are open as normal but the passage of the general expression, many of them closed the blinds to prevent a repeat of events like those that occurred last year when a group of protesters from the KKE (Greek Communist Party) threw Molotov cocktails at a bank where there were rock Curran, three people died asphyxiated ( I fink it goes through, more or less, but neither is justified because it does not cost much to enter before the bank and make sure it is empty) and despite the strike call given by the Union of Empleadxs Bancarixs, some private banks also have day labor, although they have much less personal expecting the usual. No wonder, in fact, the real story was that a bank would has decided private second general strike seeking precisely to end their de facto power.
should be noted that despite the apparent reformist character of certain claims (which only demand better working conditions without questioning the prevailing social machinery which derive all injustices), from early morning a group of encapuchadxs attacked stones at police in the vicinity of the parliament building in Athens Syntagma Square in response to the unprecedented violence displayed by the police against trade union demonstrations, forming barricades and holding several confrontations with the forces of order as reported vegan empleadxs of ambulances have been hospitalized because 2 policemen (the hospitals are among the minimum services, taking only emergency and postponing the regular operations and interventions) and injuries of varying degrees. Likewise, there were twelve protesters unxs heridxs and affected by gas intake for once again, police used tear gas grenades to disperse riots which in turn were trasladadxs to local hospitals for medical examination. It would also have about 24 detainees whose status is unknown at this time.
Pese a las detenciones y los incidentes, el sindicato de funcionarixs Adedy se mostró satisfecho con el espíritu y la participación de las masas en una jornada de protesta que además, coincidió con el aniversario de la fecha escogida para introducir los primeros recortes en la vida cotidiana griega.
Pese a las detenciones y los incidentes, el sindicato de funcionarixs Adedy se mostró satisfecho con el espíritu y la participación de las masas en una jornada de protesta que además, coincidió con el aniversario de la fecha escogida para introducir los primeros recortes en la vida cotidiana griega.
"La gente ha demostrado su profundo descontento y su preocupación por el nuevo paquete de medidas que el gobierno pretende implementar" , declaraba Sotiris Xenadys, portavoz de Adedy.
Este paro general, que por cierto al igual que el anterior de este año también ha incluído a lxs periodistas (de ahí el apagón information and limited information available), there is as I said in the context of tensions following the appearance in the press over the last days of articles speaking of the "necessity" of Greece a new rescue millionaire. This has provoked the ire of some people they see as the more work, more have to pay for everything while banquerxs vegan, vegan empresarixs, vegan políticxs and in general, the whore European capital, are still filling the mouth with little speech of false solidarity while amassing fortunes.
While today trabajadorxs hundreds of thousands of cities across the country showed their discontent in the streets (Either with banners and crowded malls or stones and good vibes coctelazos human shields against this social order suicide), the board of ministrxs was devoted to studying the next step towards the consummation of his slave neoliberal project at a meeting encerradxs to review the new measures, which include privatization of state enterprises in addition to other measures that affect the public sector, such as reducing the workforce at about 30,000 people and / or rent or sell much of the property State real estate.
It also launched a plan to curb tax evasion, which today represent a total approximately 30% of gross domestic product (GDP), which aims to raise another 12,000 million.
The reforms will be processed in parliament on 18 May.
Anyway, once again, Spain is as revolutionary vanguard eh, so glad. Durruti himself would be proud to hear. What a fucking disgrace the country and people!, What are you waiting?, "Unemployed?, When you are unemployed what will you do?, Who culparéis of your misfortune?. 'll Be watching TV, keep eating, go to the mall and masturbate with these products you can never achieve because they are designed only for unxs cuantxs. You will remain a lie.
Enough of simulation, no more trips a day like smiling sheep led to slaughter by the pastor of the banks and politicians to their service. Enough of good vibes. This country has a shortage of wafers very worrying and it is time to remind the scum who have produced their wealth, the wealth they now use to manage our lives at will.
Because it makes sense as blaming políticxs vegan, vegan economists, and other vegan empresarixs similar carroñerxs our misfortunes. Each person is a prison and fear are the chains that bind his rage. There is no utopia that one whose scope of indifference.
is time to shed our desires into the abyss and that the temples of the religion of God money are nothing more than the steaming reminiscent of the disease of capitalism.
In the abyss of vegan bárbarxs the fires burning ever stronger. This is the resistance they gave up for dead. We are at war, at war with the future that you have to suffer in this war have robbed us, forcing us to live a Sunday-morning, forcing commercial desires only now turn our servile and killed an automatic. We are at war with your order, against your truth, against your fucking sick world against your ethics, against your God, against her husband, country and party. Your return to be afraid of the dark, your dreams will be nightmares.
Because if not you, who?.
Because if not now, when?.
Because if not here, where?. Forward
Because if not you, who?.
Because if not now, when?.
Because if not here, where?. Forward
the wildcat strike, indefinite and general. Viva
libertarian and anti-authoritarian Greece.
"Only after the disaster we can resurrect the Situationist International.
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