The University of Venezuela, is one of the spaces have been persistent in dealing with totalitarian regimes that have different elapsed in republican history. In the present political circumstances, rather than an emblem, the University has become a Democratic stronghold, in the center of disrespect and contempt for the claims interventionist scheme rests not realize their intentions to put the universities under their orders.
Executive's actions over the eleven years reflect the contradiction between rhetoric and implementation. One example is the "socialist discourse of the century" against the economic policies being executed in favor of financial capital and the international division of labor and its results in the centralization capital. While poverty and the welfare of the majority is hardly served with hot towels and a populist demagoguery that seeks to keep some hope alive in the village.
The great national problems are compounded product of political inefficiency, corruption, the destruction of national productive apparatus, among other factors. While the National Executive deceptive and misleading manner Universities accused of being behind the country's needs, when in reality they are not taken into account in formulating and implementing policies and projects which seek to develop and progress Venezuela.
Given the deterioration process Financial universities, but also the precariousness of the salaries of teachers, employees and workers of the scholarship, which led to the defection to other work or education areas and the implementation of practices outside the honesty or good result the realization of liberal ideas that sought to privatize the university, commercialize the university activities and even union, have led to the detriment of the Venezuelan public universities. But that situation is not resolved by repealing the autonomy and academic freedom, as in effect intended by the National Executive. Certainly years ago universities are undergoing a process of deterioration that serves the current regime as a reason to intervene and put at your service.
Ratings and Reviews of the ideas of university transformation of the National Executive.
For all these reasons the goal of the University should not be other than a great national movement to promote the defense of university autonomy, for Science Education and Service National Interest and the Venezuelan people.
This should open the debate inside and outside the university that the university transformation step based on the distance of exposure and processing ideas the National Executive, expressed in the various draft laws prepared by its intellectual apologists
Introduction of elements of irrationality and metaphysics . The National Executive speaks of a University for "a dialogue of knowledge", instead of ratifying the University as a center for the search of truth, namely universal scientific and cultural development. Such a "dialogue of knowledge" is a common smuggling which subsumes scientific knowledge into "knowledge" which is abstract historical relevance. This meaning is not free, due to some fundamental elements of the call Chavez, who, as we know, one of its main sources postmodern thought is real. Thus, in the various universities bills disappear the words Truth and Science. As the centers diletancia become, at best cases.
is contradictory to convert the highest in the country houses of study in "centers of knowledge dialogue" when a real development project must claim before all the scientific knowledge and research in terms of technological advances demand industrial development, agribusiness and agriculture, housing, among others. Also, social demands in education, health, among others, require the claim of scientific knowledge, humanistic, technological development, rather than "dialogue of knowledge" may well serve abstract for contemplation or anything.
egalitarian democracy. ideas and concepts, typical of the totalitarian and despotic regime, is the stale discourse that stimulates confrontation, revenge and social and political resentment among the members of the university community. For the regime, as an "answer" to the "existence" of classes at universities, one of them, "professorial oligarchy" establishes the full equality of choice when university authorities. Thus breaks the rational proportion in the homes of university study, where democracy, given the nature of these institutions must comply with the principle of capacity to decide and culture around what is decided.
claim the right to vote by all members of the university community at the time of the choice of authorities, in their proper proportion in the percentage of members of the university community they represent.
University Autonomy. Arises historically in the West as the result of the need to create spaces in which freedom of thought, research, building, the church was such that may violate any power or to suppress or attack. That in theory, of course. That lawsuit had to do with the need to address the prevailing conservative dogmatism, given the need for capital, nascent but rapidly developing, to revolutionize the means of production by relying on scientific knowledge. That is how fundamental element. Similar experiences are found in other cultures, worth if which existed in the Middle East, particularly in Baghdad, to the twelfth century.
Autonomy should be regulated and guided by the University and not vice versa as claimed by the National Executive. Autonomy is the reason to be fundamental in this fact: the encounter of truth and scientific knowledge. Postmodernist ideas, which is the ideology developed by the international oligarchy in these times, is the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200breducing the rationale for the university to such a "dialogue of knowledge." Metaphysics that ultimately undermines the autonomy of scientific knowledge, humanities and the university spirit.
University Transformation in line with the National Development .
Transformation claim passes without hesitation the autonomous, Scientific democratic and Universities, based on ratings and reviews general comments above. As far as being an issue that relates directly to the university community should not be generated under the tutelage of some economic and political power. University Transformation must result in any case, plans and projects consensual progress and national development.
About this, it would be worthwhile to ask the following questions: What is the project of development of Venezuela? Where is the country will fly? Are they solving the problems of the majority? "Sovereignty or dependence? In
absence of such a national project that meets the needs of the national majority, should be the University, taking advantage of the wealth of research, expertise and experience in all areas, the proponent of the lines of development that the country demands. And preparing to carry out the transformation in their University academic and administrative orders based on development and progress of Venezuela.
Meanwhile, the National Executive offensive against the Autonomous University and Scientific Democratic claims of every University unit and the configuration of a unified political response. Not just the simplistic answer of "Freedom and Universities for Democracy. " By the nature of space (the university) that we defend, we must raise the content of speech, especially when the ruling side there is a speech full of arguments made basting some time, ripened in the heat of debates within the anti-Chavez and peaked Venezuelan university. While the part of defense sectors of the University, there is no scientific Democratic unity and a tremendous weakness in the autonomist discourse.
The key element that should rest the discourse of the university is the criticism. Autonomy is claiming in the first instance, to assert what sustains that is, the Critic, which is the essence of the university spirit. It also includes a comprehensive proposal to lift a central element of which must be precisely the National Development. This proposal should rest on the relationship between sovereignty and independence with industrial development, agribusiness and agriculture and hence, intellectual development and intellectual capacity to sustain it. Second a New Democracy in the Venezuelan universities should be broader but more rigorous, since democracy is the ability to decide and culture to build around what criteria you decide. There is how we can build a truly autonomous university, since this involves development of knowledge scientist in a climate of complete freedom, academic freedom, of thought.
tool to address the circumstances of Venezuelan universities can not be other than the promotion of a broad movement of autonomous and progressive character, fostering national campaign to unveil the regime's intentions and put in evidence the contribution of university in the country. Leadership must be shared. The leadership must give way to political and academic talent.
Transformation claim passes without hesitation the autonomous, Scientific democratic and Universities, based on ratings and reviews general comments above. As far as being an issue that relates directly to the university community should not be generated under the tutelage of some economic and political power. University Transformation must result in any case, plans and projects consensual progress and national development.
About this, it would be worthwhile to ask the following questions: What is the project of development of Venezuela? Where is the country will fly? Are they solving the problems of the majority? "Sovereignty or dependence? In
absence of such a national project that meets the needs of the national majority, should be the University, taking advantage of the wealth of research, expertise and experience in all areas, the proponent of the lines of development that the country demands. And preparing to carry out the transformation in their University academic and administrative orders based on development and progress of Venezuela.
Meanwhile, the National Executive offensive against the Autonomous University and Scientific Democratic claims of every University unit and the configuration of a unified political response. Not just the simplistic answer of "Freedom and Universities for Democracy. " By the nature of space (the university) that we defend, we must raise the content of speech, especially when the ruling side there is a speech full of arguments made basting some time, ripened in the heat of debates within the anti-Chavez and peaked Venezuelan university. While the part of defense sectors of the University, there is no scientific Democratic unity and a tremendous weakness in the autonomist discourse.
The key element that should rest the discourse of the university is the criticism. Autonomy is claiming in the first instance, to assert what sustains that is, the Critic, which is the essence of the university spirit. It also includes a comprehensive proposal to lift a central element of which must be precisely the National Development. This proposal should rest on the relationship between sovereignty and independence with industrial development, agribusiness and agriculture and hence, intellectual development and intellectual capacity to sustain it. Second a New Democracy in the Venezuelan universities should be broader but more rigorous, since democracy is the ability to decide and culture to build around what criteria you decide. There is how we can build a truly autonomous university, since this involves development of knowledge scientist in a climate of complete freedom, academic freedom, of thought.
tool to address the circumstances of Venezuelan universities can not be other than the promotion of a broad movement of autonomous and progressive character, fostering national campaign to unveil the regime's intentions and put in evidence the contribution of university in the country. Leadership must be shared. The leadership must give way to political and academic talent.
Elvin Barreto, Secretary General of Red Flag
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