Four people were arrested yesterday in the city of A Coruña in a rally in the Plaza de Ourense aimed at highlighting the masses the kind of attitude shown by the Covenanters and sold unions CCOO (Trade with Obrerxs) and UGT (Union Getas and Traidorxs).
persons present there, around 13:00 the march of these mafias (say, trade unions) came off the government delegation, where they planned to terminate the same by reading a speech. At that time, ten people gathered outside ellxs at a distance of about 30 m. approximately with a banner that referred to his despicable attitude.
little while to display the banner, 10 people were surrounded by a crowd control device disproportionate proceeded to identify them, while those far from intimidated by police presence, still yelling on the megaphone their slogans against CC.OO. and UGT and against social reforms agreed upon by those with power, when the officers threatened to arrest 10 people if they did not cease their cries.
addition, the head of the device, Silverio Blanco, who will speak later (often this history is the bastard) ordered one of the police van in which riot police had moved added immediately before the merger so, to avoid the saw. Given this, the activists decided to move there concentradxs few feet and concentrate again, prompting an angry police resulting in more threats and that the van also moved. However, on this second occasion much narrowed the police cordon, leading to clashes and be pushed by agents of the Police Intervention Unit to several people.
Not content with that humiliation, Silverio Blanco, beside himself, he began to bray that all LA Anarchist concentradxs there were detenidxs. Minutes later a patrol car there, where they were introduced two people, repeating the same operation again after a few minutes.
LXS 4 detenidxs were trasladadxs to police headquarters, located at Calle Mendez Nunez where he remained in custody while they met again with Silverio, who showed a serious anger rebuked his men while having stopped only 4 people, not all LA Anarchist he had ordered
The detainees were up to 18 : 30 in police time they were released, further weighing on them a summons for an alleged offense (the data eye) attack on civil liberties, while trying to prevent the free expression rights CC.OO . and UGT.
must fuck!, "And all demonstrations banned because we have simply not I liked the content?, does it not attack you?, what happens?, "sell-comrades esxs bastards can demonstrate and us; for proposing an independent initiative as was the anti-capitalist bloc, we desplegáis vegan citywide maderxs ?, where's your law?, is it only works for the unions and organizations that you put your ass in pomp not?. Before you judge anyone look in the mirror miserable.
Finally, finally, mention that the device manager, Silverio Blanco, is an oddball that little problem and a serious self-control, has already had several lawsuits against his person and disproportionate violence against various social groups (such as the squat House Muntanya in Karcelona) or against specific individuals, and demonstrate an absolute inability to manage different situations in which he assumed command of the IPU.
leave links for more info about the criminal record (yes, the police also commit crimes eh, what happens is they do not go on TV) the little guy this:
Anyway, once again, we see democracy offers us the elite neo-liberal democracy of the vote and shut up , the democracy of purchase and not think of the masses drugged with new, society-drill, democracy and filthy plastic world built on the basis of images and glass windows that completely distort around us, a world psiquiatrizado and sickly populated by blank stares, walking like zombies in prisons called cities, ignorant mobs who ask the reason for their existence, driven by instinct, throwing their wishes into the abyss of despair and replacing them with a unique reason and commercial.
But the glass is filling and your repression far from intimidating the resistance, only accelerate the explosion of rage. We have lied, have promised a carefree life and happiness do not exist for all those people who are unemployed or earning a salary of misery to produce your profit. This world is a lie, that's what we are living a lie. Our life is not ours, it is the banks that sell our time and labor in their best interest, taking time to relate, to know people to enjoy, to go to a cliff on a sunny day and shout loudly. We are forced to work from sunrise to sunset to live as cuantxs unxs Marquis without a fucking stick to water while they pursue and crush any attempt to build a world in which the work is a community effort, carried out by all the comrades for all the comrades. We have been forced to mortgage our existence, waiting for retirement and then stick to his announced death, sad pendulum swinging between insomnia and death in the streets of ghost towns that are illuminated only by the traffic lights are merely a metaphor is empty and unsatisfactory existence, where a binary code tells us when we give a step forward or when we have to bow my head.
many shopping centers and many empty stomachs full, it's time to spread the misery that your cruel reality has generated. We call
vosotrxs violentxs but we have robbed the future. Violence is having to swallow more and more pills and drugs to cope with the nightmare of your routine dehumanizing and alienating violence are your wars, caused by commercial interests against terrorism that only appears on television, in television and controláis to vosotrxs censuráis pleasure, violence is a child died of an overdose of glue in any suburb, violence is a system that has left in abject poverty to nearly half the world population while cabronxs unxs continue to amass more and more millions of euros. Because we will not let secuestréis our souls in the sordid shelves of your shopping and above all, because we are not goods and not leave a fucking bar code registration help us lapidary.
Our dreams are not sold in supermarkets, I fear we are losing. Against
capital, social war!.
many shopping centers and many empty stomachs full, it's time to spread the misery that your cruel reality has generated. We call
vosotrxs violentxs but we have robbed the future. Violence is having to swallow more and more pills and drugs to cope with the nightmare of your routine dehumanizing and alienating violence are your wars, caused by commercial interests against terrorism that only appears on television, in television and controláis to vosotrxs censuráis pleasure, violence is a child died of an overdose of glue in any suburb, violence is a system that has left in abject poverty to nearly half the world population while cabronxs unxs continue to amass more and more millions of euros. Because we will not let secuestréis our souls in the sordid shelves of your shopping and above all, because we are not goods and not leave a fucking bar code registration help us lapidary.
Our dreams are not sold in supermarkets, I fear we are losing. Against
capital, social war!.
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