Monitoring previous case in this same blog:
* Updates in the case Pumps (Chile)
* Letter from the collective January 22 for Case Pumps comrades
* Marcelo Villarroel Charter in relation to the hunger strike compas Case vegan pumps
* Clarification of vegan supuestxs vinculadxs financiers to mount pumps Case
* Reflections varixs comrades at war over what happened in residential Queen March 7
More updates * Case Pumps (Chile)
* Latest Developments in the Case Pumps
* And the night got hurt. Avalanche beat solidarity actions with vegan Case Pumps
* And the night got hurt. Avalanche beat solidarity actions with vegan Case Pumps
* Developments in the conduct of the trial by the latest Case Pumps and solidarity actions
* and continuing developments in Chile. Two more on the street beat and new solidarity actions
* Letters comrades from the neglect of the hunger strike and the trial data
* and continuing developments in Chile. Two more on the street beat and new solidarity actions
* Letters comrades from the neglect of the hunger strike and the trial data
More Information:
This should have published yesterday but I walked ocupadico with other things and I have not had time (apart from that I was a saint to heaven go) but hey, here I am again .
- All our comrades under house arrest!.
Last Tuesday, 3 the court issued the injunction in exchange for pre-trial house arrest otrxs 3 Comp. Monica Caballero, Omar Hermosilla Andrea Urzua and out of jail and still waiting for the trial but at least they're in their homes.
Although the prosecution did not show any objection to the release of Andrea and Omar, they opposed the Monica, alleging that she had accused of planting explosive devices. However, the judge ruled that if Retamales and Pablo Rodolfo Morales, alleged leaders of the non-existent terrorist organization whose formation and activity is attributed to the Case encausadxs vegan pumps, were given the, quote, privilege (remember that both Omar, Monica and Andrea and others who have left are still awaiting trial and under constant surveillance) to leave prison and remain under house arrest, he saw no reason to deny it to Monica.
The news was well received among solidarixs vegan, family and friends: comrades despite still remained to date on Tuesday two companions through the bars and walls of the Maximum Security Prison. Felipe Guerra and Francisco Solar. However, his case was reviewed on Wednesday in the court of appeals and today (Friday May 6) are also in their homes.
Therefore, compas are not behind bars, however, I stress that we must not forget that follow presxs the system, but this time, prisons are home. It is therefore necessary to continue to report all possible channels to which we have humbly to report loud and clear that Case Pumps is a lie, a montage of the prosecutor and the legal structure work in full partnership with the State that seeks to these accusations and all the media hype that Chile is giving the matter criminalize, distort and "ghettificar" so to speak the anarchist movement and dissident active not only within its borders but everywhere, thus facilitating its pursuit to put people against us.
- About Cristian Cancino
Returning to the hearing last Tuesday, in addition to grant house arrest three comrades, the Cristian Cancino finally issued (which is accused of being alleged associate of the same terrorist organization that attribute hoax after finding vegan compas images and documents labeled "Dye anarchist" by the prosecution, in the raid the cops did at home), "subsection," documentation "dye anarchist?, then I'm a terrorist for having this blog is not it? - remain under investigation on these charges. Despite this, the judge granted the defense request for the removal of the prosecution evidence concerning about 475 g. of powder have been found in possession of Christian, why was already detained, regardless of their guilt or innocence (data that actually know), he pleaded guilty to so soften the consequences and this is from last year 2009 and for a margin of 3 years required to sign monthly. The defense accused prosecutors of doubling the research, presenting the same test twice (the powder), now seeking a new trial for gun possession when he was already serving his punishment for that charge.
judge declared himself "can not be prosecuted twice for the same fact. If the prosecution had a poor investigation in the earlier case and sentenced for gun law, can not now return to convict him of another fact ", adding that it was not permissible to re-submit the same test as " that powder, that evidence has already been tried Cancino about. "
Seeing that the judge did not put his hand (apparently not so much pressure acostumbradxs) Francisco Rojas prosecutor protested the judge's decision, but his tantrum was silenced when the child judge replied that "Such confidence is right when he is serious, and not to the arguments of the fourth category cheap sociology, not enough even for legal psychology. That was the research, these were the background, look how simple, rule of law undergraduate. What rule of undergraduate teaching of basic! " adding" if the prosecution failed at the first shot, missed completely. That is double jeopardy. "
- Painted solidarity in front of the Chilean Embassy in Paris
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