During the day yesterday, which Hellenic literally paralyzed the country in protest at the new austerity measures the government intends to introduce soon, there has been a clear attitude of provocation by the police, who attacked without rhyme or reason to the central event that took place in Athens.
After receiving several baton charges and tear gas attacks, some of the manifestations led to tense confrontations with police when protesters varixs decided to form barricades and stones and fire respond to the unpunished arrogance of capital perrxs vegan.
At least five persons were transported to area hospitals because of police beatings, highlighting the case of a man about 30 who was admitted in critical condition after being severely beaten by a group of police that caused bruises and head injuries. Also, would include at least 14 people injured and 24 others were arrested for questioning, according to the police.
employee lending of Greece re-declare a 24-hour strike seeking to halt the activity of the country. Within a framework of strong social tension, is a response to the intentions of the Hellenic executive of further austerity measures which aims to raise 76,000 million bucks in a period until the year 2015 (which obviously we have to pay us; the people and not ellxs, which are amassing more wealth) obeying the designs of the International Monetary Fund that asks, in exchange for bailout (rescue = end of subjecting the economy to his whims) tough social reforms that continue the trail left by the relatively recent 10% cut in public spending or freezing pensions.
In a political and social environment of these characteristics Trabajadorxs Confederation of Greece and the Union of Civil Funcionarixs called a new general strike, which comes to be the second year and the twelfth counting the strikes of the past 2010 . Between Athens riots outside parliament and trade union demonstrations of a more peaceful, Greece was stalled again with an incredible response that left the country with more than 100 flights both into and out canceled and a considerable amount of paperwork having no choice but to modify tens of hours due to the participation of controladorxs vegan in the strike who spent four hours without water suit (think of what might happen if instead of four hours enjoying life against the suffocating routine that throws the mechanism of the elite, we do for four days or four weeks. Now tell me to knock down this block is impossible.). It has also paralyzed the transport by sea to the Greek islands and Italy have been affected and all administrative services, health and education sector have stalled completely or operating at minimal services.
According to police sources in the city of Athens today paraded around 20,000 people shouting slogans such as "that the crisis pay the plutocracy and not the people! "while carrying signs alluding to the unfair policies of the government, licks his ass to the IMF for the crumbs of misery.
A company official stated railway reporters: "We will not let us steal the bread from our homes and reduce staff in enterprises" . The railway company is one of many that now faces a tough job cuts and its response to the strike has certainly been exemplary.
Some private businesses and shops in the center of the Greek capital if they are open as normal but the passage of the general expression, many of them closed the blinds to prevent a repeat of events like those that occurred last year when a group of protesters from the KKE (Greek Communist Party) threw Molotov cocktails at a bank where there were rock Curran, three people died asphyxiated ( I fink it goes through, more or less, but neither is justified because it does not cost much to enter before the bank and make sure it is empty) and despite the strike call given by the Union of Empleadxs Bancarixs, some private banks also have day labor, although they have much less personal expecting the usual. No wonder, in fact, the real story was that a bank would has decided private second general strike seeking precisely to end their de facto power.
should be noted that despite the apparent reformist character of certain claims (which only demand better working conditions without questioning the prevailing social machinery which derive all injustices), from early morning a group of encapuchadxs attacked stones at police in the vicinity of the parliament building in Athens Syntagma Square in response to the unprecedented violence displayed by the police against trade union demonstrations, forming barricades and holding several confrontations with the forces of order as reported vegan empleadxs of ambulances have been hospitalized because 2 policemen (the hospitals are among the minimum services, taking only emergency and postponing the regular operations and interventions) and injuries of varying degrees. Likewise, there were twelve protesters unxs heridxs and affected by gas intake for once again, police used tear gas grenades to disperse riots which in turn were trasladadxs to local hospitals for medical examination. It would also have about 24 detainees whose status is unknown at this time.
Pese a las detenciones y los incidentes, el sindicato de funcionarixs Adedy se mostró satisfecho con el espíritu y la participación de las masas en una jornada de protesta que además, coincidió con el aniversario de la fecha escogida para introducir los primeros recortes en la vida cotidiana griega.
"La gente ha demostrado su profundo descontento y su preocupación por el nuevo paquete de medidas que el gobierno pretende implementar" , declaraba Sotiris Xenadys, portavoz de Adedy.
Este paro general, que por cierto al igual que el anterior de este año también ha incluído a lxs periodistas (de ahí el apagón information and limited information available), there is as I said in the context of tensions following the appearance in the press over the last days of articles speaking of the "necessity" of Greece a new rescue millionaire. This has provoked the ire of some people they see as the more work, more have to pay for everything while banquerxs vegan, vegan empresarixs, vegan políticxs and in general, the whore European capital, are still filling the mouth with little speech of false solidarity while amassing fortunes.
While today trabajadorxs hundreds of thousands of cities across the country showed their discontent in the streets (Either with banners and crowded malls or stones and good vibes coctelazos human shields against this social order suicide), the board of ministrxs was devoted to studying the next step towards the consummation of his slave neoliberal project at a meeting encerradxs to review the new measures, which include privatization of state enterprises in addition to other measures that affect the public sector, such as reducing the workforce at about 30,000 people and / or rent or sell much of the property State real estate.
It also launched a plan to curb tax evasion, which today represent a total approximately 30% of gross domestic product (GDP), which aims to raise another 12,000 million.
The reforms will be processed in parliament on 18 May.
Anyway, once again, Spain is as revolutionary vanguard eh, so glad. Durruti himself would be proud to hear. What a fucking disgrace the country and people!, What are you waiting?, "Unemployed?, When you are unemployed what will you do?, Who culparéis of your misfortune?. 'll Be watching TV, keep eating, go to the mall and masturbate with these products you can never achieve because they are designed only for unxs cuantxs. You will remain a lie.
Enough of simulation, no more trips a day like smiling sheep led to slaughter by the pastor of the banks and politicians to their service. Enough of good vibes. This country has a shortage of wafers very worrying and it is time to remind the scum who have produced their wealth, the wealth they now use to manage our lives at will.
Because it makes sense as blaming políticxs vegan, vegan economists, and other vegan empresarixs similar carroñerxs our misfortunes. Each person is a prison and fear are the chains that bind his rage. There is no utopia that one whose scope of indifference.
is time to shed our desires into the abyss and that the temples of the religion of God money are nothing more than the steaming reminiscent of the disease of capitalism.
In the abyss of vegan bárbarxs the fires burning ever stronger. This is the resistance they gave up for dead. We are at war, at war with the future that you have to suffer in this war have robbed us, forcing us to live a Sunday-morning, forcing commercial desires only now turn our servile and killed an automatic. We are at war with your order, against your truth, against your fucking sick world against your ethics, against your God, against her husband, country and party. Your return to be afraid of the dark, your dreams will be nightmares.
Because if not you, who?. Because if not now, when?. Because if not here, where?. Forward
the wildcat strike, indefinite and general. Viva libertarian and anti-authoritarian Greece. VIVA LA ANARCHY!.
"Only after the disaster we can resurrect the Situationist International.
Well, this post is to inform you that after receive and consider any advice or opinions and even criticism in some ways destructive algunxs comrades or persons with respect to this case and having reflected on the subject (something that led me to pose since I started this project, even when I blogcindario staying in), I finally decided to cut the tap to morbidity, the cyber and police and newspaper leaks and so I decided to definitely close the entrance to comments.
Therefore, from now may not be published comments on the entries and I regret to say that neither can read existing. With this, I do not intend to restrict freedom of expression of one and please, if someone feels ofendidx or molestx by this decision, I'm sorry but I think given the circumstances and especially after a cop (or a person at least be identified as such) metiese a stupid comment on one of the entries on the case of Patricia Heras, I decided that passage of this space serves to feed the show media to comment on anónimx you never know who from, questionable contributions, clear lack of respect (a Nazi salute to one day said "Viva Jitler", but with H, asshole) and others moved on.
Anyway, without further ado, I send my greetings to all those people around the world you still visiting this blog. Thank you very much.
free and unrestrained police on the outskirts of Riazor stadium (Coruña)
First of all let me make one thing very clear. I'm not at all agree with football, in fact, I find another business and one of the faces of this society, one of many examples of how the state keeps entertaining the masses with bread and circuses while deciding how to orchestrate their lives at your convenience to their sacred neoliberal economic model.
not support itself, and roll skins punx that somehow anti-capitalist and revolucionarixs declared while still in the stands ultra shift, confirming the existence of football and feed the show instead of behaving consistently and radically opposed to this business, in order to attack precisely the very reason for this rotten and commodified society.
However, I will now draw up an opinion on hooligans vegan, vegan extremists and other paraphernalia such as my goal with this article is to provide bait for your next Mercedes Mila pseudoreportaje. My purpose is to report what happened today in Coruña, something that has no name. Well, yes, yes it is. Abuse of power and authority.
riot Effective
loaded completely free of charge on a group of aficionadxs (not necessarily radical or anything, do not misunderstand) of Real Club Deportivo de A Coruña, and against otrxs pedestrians passing through the area as Confidential reported in Galicia ( here) as well as eyewitnesses cercanxs to me, who claimed that police indiscriminately charged parents with their niñxs who simply enjoyed the atmosphere in the vicinity of the field. The brutal load is the result of giving power and authority to a handful of miserable cowards of the worst kind that between cocaine and "people" (even you deserve that name) with clear emotional stability problems, are engaged in work over right and sinister, knowing that whatever happens, the in-justice will be on their side.
are counted a total of about 40 people injured, among which are niñxs, adultxs, ancianxs and youth of all kinds. The cops came to get into the bars next to the field where people watched the match on TV and lashed out at one blow (and never intended) to all LA Anarchist were there, including punches and kicks.
has tried to contact the Delegation of the government to know the reasons but nevertheless, this referred to the police themselves and said there was no one there for the press to address the issue. However, there is a video that I think reflects enough to check what happened with this gang of bigoted terrorists. I leave here.
Stop new clear I do not intend to this praise and the hooligan movement / ultra or football as the scene of fighting and the like. Honestly, I prefer to stay out of these issues, they do not consider them, or near, forms of struggle against the state but rather, almost recovered to only perpetuate the problem. The sole purpose of this post is to inform about a situation where you give give (in this case, on the outskirts Riazor Stadium) is a new example (among many others) of police brutality and what is Most importantly, the impunity with which the agents have to do what they want in this undemocratic democracy.
Without your plate without your uniform, your dirty rojiguarra in the arm and without your arrogant cockiness, you are not anything or anyone, do not forget. Someday you will realize that your bones are also broken and that you, above your pathetic force of law, also know bleed. The glass is filling ... Police
Info taken from the new website of Liberation Total here.
In recent days, have been going on several acts of sabotage that full of rage and resentment, try to send a last kiss to a soul that was neglected by the bourgeois justice, for the same disgusting system that led to the death, who stole it from the arms of life based on repression, deceit, lies and abuse.
A young woman who like many others, to exhaustion suffered the violence of an insurmountable structural error that one day, perhaps a genius compared to a mad crazy boat, obsessed with progress and constant improvement of its barbarity , was going on a cruise suicide against icebergs. Were of no continuing dispute the crew and knew nothing helped the boy's recommendation for this vessel filled necixs, crashed and drowned all the comrades. Sadly some of Ted Kaczynski's prophecy but of course, is 1984, George Orwell, the instruction manual for a perhaps not very distant future. In this world, we head into the abyss, recovering atemorizadxs ellxs life that we have been robbed while in the shade, things like this happen. A girl commits suicide because they decide to block Goss charge a crime she did not commit. The assembly is triggered and automatically, all the dirty scum that makes up the forces of "law" this state waste swallow the image distorted by its media portray this as an anti-girl, a squat or a anarcoinsurreccionalista. None of that, Patricia is only another of the victims of patriarchy, a society made for vegan ricxs which satisfy the common people is the most important.
But despite this, nothing ends here and no doubt that the last tears of Patricia to give thought bungee jumping, in addition to those of many people, regardless of whether these were comrades or not, have died because of the emetic cuantxs unxs greed bastards.
therefore have taken place the following:
- Burning a luxury car in an elite neighborhood
Well, this action was dedicated as it could be otherwise, to Homer and whose hearts all LA Anarchist hermanxs still at war, refusing to submit to order your fucking sick and neat and perfectly mechanized society of mass individuxs beings humanxs reducidxs to merchandise, esclavxs an empty dream psiquiatrizada forged a business justification.
At dawn on Tuesday May 3, burned a luxury car parked in the most affluent Sarria to remember that inhabit vegan paradise, that poverty exists. I recalled that in the ghettos, in ruined neighborhoods where poor people, immigrants, prostitutes and paradxs continue waging a daily battle with his infamous attempt to be the exemplary city for fucking happy world there are still people who swallow the crumbs away from the table. There are still people suffering empresarixs comfort of your damn, your shit pseudofelicidad, which is another thing our pseudodesgracia.
Because schools far from their pay, away from their speculative, its malls with post-modern cafes, away from their neon signs and their precious little cottage with pool are our dreams, our anger and our solidarity and you can whine, but I fear we are losing and your neighborhood will not go unpunished for the purpose of your crisis.
- stoned a church
Also on May 3, comrades were armed with stones and unloaded their arsenal against a church in Guinardó, breaking several windows.
Why did I was attacked the poor church?, As being one of the most solid pillars and representative of patriarchy and sexism today, although that is, certainly, very well camouflaged, is intrinsic in Western society.
- blocked the entrances of three subway stations and painted in the area of \u200b\u200bSant Andreu
Finally, the same morning of May 3 was blocked access to entries Sagrera subway station, Torras i Bages and Sant Andreu, fucking and locks, thereby preventing the operation of the stations. After were painted Patri solidarity with the neighborhood.
For no / a victim of the social order imposed is alone or be forgotten. Because you do not need to be an anarchist, not a / a expropriating home, or a / a immigrant to suffer the vengeance of esxs miserable. Maybe this will help but really, what is sought is called POVERTY.
good enough to roll, sharpen our lives and ai ferri corti!.
Silvia Guerini, Marco Camenisch, Costa and Billy, on hunger strike since May 1. Text
- A bit of memory
On Friday April 15 comrades were detenidxs Silvia Guerini, Luca Bernasconi (Billy) and Ragusa Constantine (Costa), for his involvement in various direct actions and sabotage against institutions and laboratories working in the framework of the capitalist destruction of the earth and its inhabitants, resulting acusadxs attacks on nanotechnology laboratories, animal experimentation, biotechnology and research institutions nuclear. Besides unxs comprometidxs comrades and activists to the cause of animal liberation and earth, Silvia Costa and Billy have always been on the side of our brothers and sisters presxs and therefore this system has locked up.
Apparently, as reported in the middle of the Italian bourgeois press (click here ) vegan comrades were intervenidxs a police roadblock near Zurich (Switzerland). When police searched the vehicle (rented in Italy) said they had found explosives and a map correspond at IBM facilities, designed to nanotechnology as well as various plans to sabotage the building.
LXS compas were detenidxs and were obligadxs to an attorney every unx, since according to the laws in force in Switzerland, not permitted to share the / the mismx letradx. In addition, while Billy (Thun prison), was allowed eating vegan meals in prison, Silvia (prison Biel) and Costa (Berne prison) were not granted this right, which reflects dirty again the arbitrariness with which it treats prisoners in the prisons of the capital, whose rights are dependent murderous institution to which they are sent, the bulk of your pocket or just how well you have fallen into / the cerdx carcelerx shift.
irregularities in a context of controlled correspondence and repression, violence and constant harassment, vegan comrades began last May 1 a hunger strike, which lasted until 28 at the beginning of this month at least and that is aim to provide a spark to try again to light the fuse of solidarity and defiance, not only outside but also inside prisons because these are not just another of the cruel and inhumane settings where develops the logic this system ecocidal and a murderer and therefore, its walls should not hold anger or desire for freedom that fills our hearts.
in Madrid during the morning of the 8th to 9th of May was attacked a cashier at La Caixa and later stoned the windows of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy, which also left graffiti in solidarity comrades detenidxs vegan. How could it be otherwise, shares will continue until we are all free.
- A small bio of Marco Camenisch
LXS compas in prison since 28 April, along with Marco Camenisch, another eco-anarchist activist since the mid-80s is 100% has been implicated in environmental struggles of a more radical and also continued the hunger strike taken by vegan compas. After a season of self-sufficient living in the mountain, he realized he could not really involved in fights unless primitivist return to civilization and participated in numerous court actions such as sabotage and other connections to the nuclear industry in Switzerland.
Marco was arrested for sabotaging the high voltage connections and a power station NOK (Nordostschweizer Kraftwerke = Northeast Power Stations). He spent a year on bail but was sentenced to 10 years in prison (he refused to take any court proceeding, staying true nonetheless). Camenisch himself read a statement to the court in which connected the nature of the protests and sabotage of the radical ecological struggles with other anti-authoritarian struggles insurrectionary.
In December 1981, Marco escaped from prison in Regensdorf, together with five other prisoners. In the course of the daring escape, a guard was shot and died shortly afterwards.
Finally, after escaping companion lived about 10 years in hiding until he though Marco said not among the prisoners who fired the shots that killed the guard, the Swiss federal police and the bourgeois media in collaborating with this clear, said Marco as the murderer of police officer Kurt Moser Swiss border. Apparently a witness identified as the author of Setting the shooting and the Blick newspaper printed his photograph, by charging a dead man who then turned out to be his for the witness who blamed Marco months later recanted, saying he had not seen the murderer and only heard the shots. Finally, the little guy certainly achieved its media ownership although it meant that another man accused of something I had not done.
With the state followed the track, in 1989 Marco again two years underground. He spent his life among Italian cities that never had much time and lived in anonymity Tipolitográfica Co-op, which was then the largest anarchist press. November 5 was stopped in the road with another individual by agents of the Carabinieri who required his identification with what Marco, launched its new flight from mild to shooting and wounding one officer, who returned fire wounding his Setting time in the leg and arrested. After searching the vehicle he underwent six explosive devices and two firearms. He was sent to hospital in Pisa and then to the infirmary of the San Vittore prison in Milan. He was sentenced to 12 years for assault and tampering with electrical connections.
In April 2002 he was extradited to Switzerland where he interned in Pfäffikon. In January 2003, after a hunger strike to protest inhumane prison conditions that she had it moved to Chur, a prison with better conditions (in quotes). A subsequent return to Pfäffikon. In July 2004 he was sentenced to another 17 years for murder of prison guard (despite never showed their true culpability). Still, in November 2006, the Supreme Court federal sentence annulled on the grounds that the total had already served sentences previously exceeded the maximum of 20 years prescribed by law, so that his sentence was reduced to eight years on March 13.
Currently, the company remains a prisoner has not yet and never recanted his political beliefs with respect to the release of land and technological issue.
- A lockdown mode.
This Orwellian nightmare, the state continues to sell the wonders of technology and progress as if they were a panacea for the problems of the contemporary world. However, this is just another link in its social control, the most vile and cruel expression of a system which cares not exterminate millions of species, destruction of natural integers, ocean pollution, reduce to dust the mountains and commodify something as beautiful as the life. They do not care as long as it benefits them. Nevertheless, we are not dispuestxs algunxs to accept your damn petty bourgeois ethics while in the bowels of the machine is still brewing the nightmare the next day, replacing our needs and our wishes for artificial and cold goods, consuming our tears and passions between the oxide and the machine.
therefore continue sabotaging and will continue showing our support vegan unfairly but encarceladxs compas, compas vegan guilty. Because the only thing acceptable in these circumstances is to take the good vibes with an elite that dehumanizes us and used as pawns to achieve checkmate. We are like the animals that maim and kill without need. We are like those cows giving milk to a company of killers. While demos milk (money) we will be useful. Be concerned with feeding us, to keep "satisfechxs" more and more products to buy each season, we remain entretenidxs to paid work and be "happy" with their fucking misery salary hardly comes to pay the price for mortgaged our? lives in a bank controlled by beings without feelings or heart, can ruin lives only for his welfare. Of course, as we stop providing milk, we are invisible, mere shadows sleeping in cash for being homeless, suffocating the penalties based on our internal drug fill and shit for not knowing the agony beyond, all to die at any ditch or any fucking seedy apartment, begging the crumbs of a pension that does not work for anything other than to remind us, even in dying, that nothing we did on this road we call life served to nothing, for no were nosotrxs. Only a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of a lie.
Because animals are not commodities are whores. Because the nature and the earth are not resources available to the Democratic pastel and anthropocentric. Because this is the only world that is not possible!, You are condemning hijxs nuestrxs walking down the street with gas masks while looking for something to eat in the garbage. How do you want the / the common ciudadanx find happiness in a system that is daily becoming more homogeneous, more and more global and more emphasis on the benefits generated estx than his own life?, What the hell you need to react against the misery that are forcing us to suffer all LA to a greater or lesser extent to get richer and more?.
That and more, Silvia Costa, Mark and Billy, FREEDOM!.
For animal liberation, human and earth, not one step back. Our dreams are your nightmares.
For more info on the situation of vegan compas, here, where I draw the little information that story (in Italian and English).
In a report published by Aristimuño Herrera & Associates analyzes the earnings of the top 10 banks operating in the country by the year 2010, it was seen that they account for 93.6% the total profits reported by the Commercial and Universal Banking. Let's see what these banks and their numbers.
"At the end of last year saw a total net profit in the Commercial and Universal Banking Bs 7.363 million, which comes to mean an increase of 58.4% versus 2009.
In the ranking by Herrera & Asociados Aristimuño the first company to higher profits in 2010 is the BBA Banco Provincial, Bs with a total of 1.628 million and a market share of this sector from 22 , 1%. The report further points out that profitability (ROE) of English bank ended last year at 38%, the third most profitable bank among the top 10.
Mercantil is the second entity in the ranking, with a profit of 1.361 million Bs and 18.5% of total profits of the commercial and universal banking. Its ROE is 35.4%.
The third ranking bank is Venezuela, whose earnings last year totaled 1083.2 million, as the market share in this account of 14.7%. Its profitability reached 30.8%.
The Banesco ranks fourth, with profits reaching Bs 907 million and its market share ended the year at 12.3%. Its yield reaches 24.5%.
The fifth bank with the largest gains recorded last year is foreign to Bs 598 million. 8.1% of total results accumulated by commercial banks and universal it is for this institution. It is the most profitable bank in the country with an ROE of 58.6%.
Bancaribe placed sixth in the ranking, with accumulated profits of Bs 444.2 million and 6% of the profits accumulated by commercial banks and universal. It is the second most profitable bank among the top 10 in earnings with an ROE of 47.1%.
Banco Occidental de Descuento (BOD), the bank with greater strength in the Zulia State, ranked seventh in revenue to 364.4 million Bs. We follow the Venezuelan Credit Bicentennial Treasury and Bs with revenues: 228 million, 159 million and Bs Bs 121.3 million, respectively. "Let's see these results in the following cuadro.B
NET , 2010
Occ. Discount
Vzlno. Credit
Note: Figures in millions of Bolivars
Source: Herrera & Asociados Aristimuño
We see then that the "confrontation" between Chavez and the bankers, the financial oligarchy, is part of a political strategy of the despot to pretend that he faces defending the rich and the poor. These numbers are further proof of what we have been reported since 1998: that the Chavez regime benefits the oligarquía financiera, es decir, a la banca. Mientras tanto, los trabajadores han tenido que tomar las calles, realizar marchas, hacer huelgas de hambre, entre otras formas de lucha, para apenas recibir un aumento de salario mínimo del 25% y un tabulador para la administración publica que debió ser aprobado desde hace 3 años y que el régimen lo decreta ahora para presentarse ante las mayorías como benefactor de los trabajadores. Desde esta tribuna desenmascaramos la maniobra y exhortamos a los sectores populares y a los trabajadores a no dejarse engañar y seguir luchando por sus derechos y conquistas.
a while ago, a colleague and friend passed me a link to a photoblog of those. I've never been a close friend of fotolog, esflog and other similar moves, it seems absurd to upload a photo of yourself in front of the mirror with the camera just preparaditx for that "great ordeal" which have become such arduous nights in which countless spirits and drugs will tour your body causing you all kinds of sensations (unless you have the feet on the ground, that's not diverse). Total, upload it to a bunch of empty names on the computer screen tell you how handsome / a you when possibly no one cares and do so only by inertia or to look good (and it seems that algunxs, have the board without comment were low self-esteem, you see where). Hear little things technology. Anyway, the thing is that in this case, I found a text that truth, I loved it. For all those people who say they can not do poetry insurrectionalism dejároslo I would like here, so that each unx can read and reflect on their own or together or as it sees fit.
The text is entitled "Rusting strings" and the guy who wrote it responds the name of Citizen Terrorist.
You can find more things own by clicking here .
a text which speaks of revolt beyond ideology, beyond absurd stereotypical beliefs or art in the same altars of anthropocentrism ecocidal this psiquiatrizado known as post-modern capitalism. A revolt against now against the normal, which is the least diagnosed mental illness history, against a life and a lifetime of unsatisfactory mortgaged goods rental and wage labor, in which each step is a fall, while continuing cabizbajxs, victims of fear of finding us which mismxs and maybe, just maybe, dream of being wild and free again.
way, I've taken the liberty of correcting the gender in which individuals had male and female individuals with X, to intend to continue my attempt non-sexist language play in this space. I hope the person who wrote it if it passed through here do not mind. Health.
The street has no mercy, but his hijxs either. We toured the guts of the machine to check, us; serenxs and sweet perrxs the street. Indomitable merciless. We have become inured to death, we have earned the gallon and have children to live at the wrong time, the circumstances that have revealed the truth to our eyes, we have brought shortages, yes, but we also have waged a / a adultx sumisx and coward. And outside exist in paths that they are unknown vegan pastorxs, away from the herd, confusxs stumbled on the dark side of history, living with every step the beauty of our natural stolen. And we feel the frost indiscriminate night under the stars and the sun relentless daily and incessant rain pounded the land as a gift of life, to feel our existence abandoned. And we are on somewhere, in another place, another time, why we are: insumisxs of time and space.
live trying to understand. We errors inevitably imperfect system, remains of a giant shredder, too difficult for the dressage too afortunadxs for castration (mental) of their circus. We have heart and green horizons of the future without clearings and fire throats agitadorxs pure one step ahead of the misfortune that makes up the / a stressed compliance of their couch. We are vegan hijxs of poor host, do not cry when it is not necessary because we have learned that grief is a burden and that negativity is just a double-edged sword, the only thing useful is the smile, that face quoted. Explore our animal side, revealing at every step what we are, what we want, retracing a path that cowards hundred lives would only increase.
Gritting his teeth, until we have none left. And then the gums. And we will dream home with us, legitimate. Wake up to / the devil that sleeps in nosotrxs when closing night, corroding the metal and concrete monstrosity with our mere presence. And watch the eyes traidorxs vegan, because they will become stronger, but nosotrxs bravest. And exposing the nature of man / woman without fear of consequences, because we know what we are and we like it. We will be free rodeadxs chain if necessary, refuse to nuestrx sir / at times requiring life, forget the pain and grief to smile again. Again wield setts, to sharpen the knives, to grease guns. Return.
I spoke in the plural, if you're there, if you sign up to be wild. You, Brother. You, Sister.
where trees once grew, now the cement grows Today niñxs grow vegan, rodeadxs walls, patios encerradxs in the schools where they teach them to be cured by taking pills, to pass over the rest to feel superior to his fellows until the day to swallow the show or join us which in hunting freedom and wildness. In the search we and the time we have taken, have been removed!.
In the abyss of vegan bárbarxs the fires burn, the fires are burning more and more power!
In the abyss of vegan bárbarxs the fires burn, the fires are burning more and more power!