Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's A Good Peach Blush?

Silvia Guerini, Marco Camenisch, Costa and Billy, on hunger strike since May 1. Text

- A bit of memory

On Friday April 15 comrades were detenidxs Silvia Guerini, Luca Bernasconi (Billy) and Ragusa Constantine (Costa), for his involvement in various direct actions and sabotage against institutions and laboratories working in the framework of the capitalist destruction of the earth and its inhabitants, resulting acusadxs attacks on nanotechnology laboratories, animal experimentation, biotechnology and research institutions nuclear. Besides unxs comprometidxs comrades and activists to the cause of animal liberation and earth, Silvia Costa and Billy have always been on the side of our brothers and sisters presxs and therefore this system has locked up.

Apparently, as reported in the middle of the Italian bourgeois press (click here ) vegan comrades were intervenidxs a police roadblock near Zurich (Switzerland). When police searched the vehicle (rented in Italy) said they had found explosives and a map correspond at IBM facilities, designed to nanotechnology as well as various plans to sabotage the building.

LXS compas were detenidxs and were obligadxs to an attorney every unx, since according to the laws in force in Switzerland, not permitted to share the / the mismx letradx. In addition, while Billy (Thun prison), was allowed eating vegan meals in prison, Silvia (prison Biel) and Costa (Berne prison) were not granted this right, which reflects dirty again the arbitrariness with which it treats prisoners in the prisons of the capital, whose rights are dependent murderous institution to which they are sent, the bulk of your pocket or just how well you have fallen into / the cerdx carcelerx shift.

irregularities in a context of controlled correspondence and repression, violence and constant harassment, vegan comrades began last May 1 a hunger strike, which lasted until 28 at the beginning of this month at least and that is aim to provide a spark to try again to light the fuse of solidarity and defiance, not only outside but also inside prisons because these are not just another of the cruel and inhumane settings where develops the logic this system ecocidal and a murderer and therefore, its walls should not hold anger or desire for freedom that fills our hearts.

in Madrid during the morning of the 8th to 9th of May was attacked a cashier at La Caixa and later stoned the windows of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy, which also left graffiti in solidarity comrades detenidxs vegan. How could it be otherwise, shares will continue until we are all free.

- A small bio of Marco Camenisch

LXS compas in prison since 28 April, along with Marco Camenisch, another eco-anarchist activist since the mid-80s is 100% has been implicated in environmental struggles of a more radical and also continued the hunger strike taken by vegan compas. After a season of self-sufficient living in the mountain, he realized he could not really involved in fights unless primitivist return to civilization and participated in numerous court actions such as sabotage and other connections to the nuclear industry in Switzerland.

Marco was arrested for sabotaging the high voltage connections and a power station NOK (Nordostschweizer Kraftwerke = Northeast Power Stations). He spent a year on bail but was sentenced to 10 years in prison (he refused to take any court proceeding, staying true nonetheless). Camenisch himself read a statement to the court in which connected the nature of the protests and sabotage of the radical ecological struggles with other anti-authoritarian struggles insurrectionary.

In December 1981, Marco escaped from prison in Regensdorf, together with five other prisoners. In the course of the daring escape, a guard was shot and died shortly afterwards.

Finally, after escaping companion lived about 10 years in hiding until he though Marco said not among the prisoners who fired the shots that killed the guard, the Swiss federal police and the bourgeois media in collaborating with this clear, said Marco as the murderer of police officer Kurt Moser Swiss border. Apparently a witness identified as the author of Setting the shooting and the Blick newspaper printed his photograph, by charging a dead man who then turned out to be his for the witness who blamed Marco months later recanted, saying he had not seen the murderer and only heard the shots. Finally, the little guy certainly achieved its media ownership although it meant that another man accused of something I had not done.

With the state followed the track, in 1989 Marco again two years underground. He spent his life among Italian cities that never had much time and lived in anonymity Tipolitográfica Co-op, which was then the largest anarchist press. November 5 was stopped in the road with another individual by agents of the Carabinieri who required his identification with what Marco, launched its new flight from mild to shooting and wounding one officer, who returned fire wounding his Setting time in the leg and arrested. After searching the vehicle he underwent six explosive devices and two firearms. He was sent to hospital in Pisa and then to the infirmary of the San Vittore prison in Milan. He was sentenced to 12 years for assault and tampering with electrical connections.

In April 2002 he was extradited to Switzerland where he interned in Pfäffikon. In January 2003, after a hunger strike to protest inhumane prison conditions that she had it moved to Chur, a prison with better conditions (in quotes). A subsequent return to Pfäffikon. In July 2004 he was sentenced to another 17 years for murder of prison guard (despite never showed their true culpability). Still, in November 2006, the Supreme Court federal sentence annulled on the grounds that the total had already served sentences previously exceeded the maximum of 20 years prescribed by law, so that his sentence was reduced to eight years on March 13.

Currently, the company remains a prisoner has not yet and never recanted his political beliefs with respect to the release of land and technological issue.

- A lockdown mode.

This Orwellian nightmare, the state continues to sell the wonders of technology and progress as if they were a panacea for the problems of the contemporary world. However, this is just another link in its social control, the most vile and cruel expression of a system which cares not exterminate millions of species, destruction of natural integers, ocean pollution, reduce to dust the mountains and commodify something as beautiful as the life. They do not care as long as it benefits them. Nevertheless, we are not dispuestxs algunxs to accept your damn petty bourgeois ethics while in the bowels of the machine is still brewing the nightmare the next day, replacing our needs and our wishes for artificial and cold goods, consuming our tears and passions between the oxide and the machine.

therefore continue sabotaging and will continue showing our support vegan unfairly but encarceladxs compas, compas vegan guilty. Because the only thing acceptable in these circumstances is to take the good vibes with an elite that dehumanizes us and used as pawns to achieve checkmate. We are like the animals that maim and kill without need. We are like those cows giving milk to a company of killers. While demos milk (money) we will be useful. Be concerned with feeding us, to keep "satisfechxs" more and more products to buy each season, we remain entretenidxs to paid work and be "happy" with their fucking misery salary hardly comes to pay the price for mortgaged our? lives in a bank controlled by beings without feelings or heart, can ruin lives only for his welfare. Of course, as we stop providing milk, we are invisible, mere shadows sleeping in cash for being homeless, suffocating the penalties based on our internal drug fill and shit for not knowing the agony beyond, all to die at any ditch or any fucking seedy apartment, begging the crumbs of a pension that does not work for anything other than to remind us, even in dying, that nothing we did on this road we call life served to nothing, for no were nosotrxs. Only a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of a lie.

Because animals are not commodities are whores. Because the nature and the earth are not resources available to the Democratic pastel and anthropocentric. Because this is the only world that is not possible!, You are condemning hijxs nuestrxs walking down the street with gas masks while looking for something to eat in the garbage. How do you want the / the common ciudadanx find happiness in a system that is daily becoming more homogeneous, more and more global and more emphasis on the benefits generated estx than his own life?, What the hell you need to react against the misery that are forcing us to suffer all LA to a greater or lesser extent to get richer and more?.

That and more, Silvia Costa, Mark and Billy, FREEDOM!.
For animal liberation, human and earth, not one step back. Our dreams are your nightmares.

For more info on the situation of vegan compas, here, where I draw the little information that story (in Italian and English).



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