Monday, December 13, 2010

Erotic Garroting Free Movies

Magazine Article on

Yesterday Magazine El Mundo published this extensive article on my livings by Victor Rodriguez. In the nearly two hour interview, always get things in the pipeline, but I think it portrays quite well the most important concepts of my work and is a real luxury to have almost 4 pages on a Sunday as important as that of The World!. Thanks to the whole team and especially to Silvia Nieto and Victor Rodriguez for his work and his commitment to my projects.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ichigo And Orihime Doujinshi Free

World Conference / Symposium

On Saturday 27 November, the Women's Association Gordexola Bilbao, invited me to give a talk on my work with the participation of women in the association by pooling the different concerns and opinions about each of the topics presented works. I loved especially the assistance of the public from 9 years to 70 and see the different reactions! .

was an interesting meeting in which I could also pick up the active participation of a different audience that the work is directly in the street, a public that approaches the work from a thoughtful look amazing and providing valuable data. Phrases like

"... all we have a Katy Salinas inside!" or "... your work and make an impact at first one says, no, I do not belong to that profile of a woman! because they do not want to recognize reality, but then you realize that much of what we have are behaviors that we all ... " and even some women told personal anecdotes that reminded him of the scenes he was planning, as well as the smiles ( and laughter) accomplices throughout the talk.

I'm always excited this part of the job and is one of the greatest satisfactions I can get with what I do. It was a pleasure to travel there and share with this group of women so active and interesting. Thanks to all!.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Maxi Mounds At Boobster News Center


Today I made a new "living" through the radio, which began on Wednesday 17th November the center of Madrid and has had its denouement today through the program RN3 "It All Starts Today" led by Ángel Carmona .

Once, having drinks with a group of friends, one of them confessed that her sister had asked for advice to make your orgasms more "credible" "... nail it nails in the back, never fails. I use it when I'm tired and so ends quickly, "she advised .

That many women fake orgasms is a reality and it corroborates the famous sexologist Pilar Cristóbal, who collaborated on this project with data revealing.

This "living" is to expose, through an ironic plot, this aspect of female sexuality that is never spoken.

The viewer encounters an acting coach who advertises a class to learn how to fake orgasms (as several students have asked for advice and she gives realize that there are potential customers).

actress Lupe River, which plays the role of teacher, handed out Wednesday by the city center around flyers to advertise their classes (ojo! not say that's just for women) and today radio program "It All Starts Today" has conducted a live interview to ask how this initiative has emerged, how are those classes, which customers have ..., leaving a space for the public to step in and write a review.

Men and women who do not know that this is something fictitious, react to this situation at their discretion and his experiences in the art of "interpretation" and shows different reactions.

At the end of the radio program was revealed that everything has been a "living" by Yolanda Dominguez for people to feel this reality and react as it sees before it.

Thanks to the actress Lupe River has been put in the role of this peculiar teacher, Mara Leon, to portray the reactions of the public, Pilar Cristobal, a sexologist who has produced interesting data as you step to tell then, and especially the team of "It All Starts Today" for his cooperation and confidence in this project.

Here you can listen to the audio interview!:

Pilar Christopher , sexual education expert and regular contributor to programs on sex in various media, very interesting data points on this issue.

Before the Second World War, Magnus Hirschfeld produced the first research on sexuality between people asking questions of his inner circle, in which all women reported having vaginal orgasms ( "but not true ... "says sexologist , " ... these responses were conditioned, because the interviewer was a man before who did not want to look bad ").

In the 30's, U.S. performed in the first serious scientific research of Kinsey hand, a renowned entomologist, which reflects that 40% of women do not experience orgasm but pretending that your partner does not feel bad.

Later Masters & Johnson, makers of the concept of sexology and the figure of sexologist, indicate for the first time 90% of women can not have vaginal orgasms because physically it is very difficult (leaving 10% a few exceptions).

Scientifically it is proven that if there is no clitoral orgasm, penetration actually works by causing the effect opposite turning excitement. Realizing that women can no longer overcome the excitement, they pretend not to upset his partner and they do not lengthen the time of penetration, and would end up proving painful.

The latest survey, currently performed by European institutes in collaboration with famous brands of condoms analyzes the causes that lead women to fake orgasm:

- First is the maternal instinct, the desire to protect their peers and not to hurt his pride.

- second by a matter of self , by the need to get into the pattern of "woman perfect. "

- And finally for not extend too much sex.

The best solution to not go on pretending orgasm begins to recognize it, then well informed about female sexuality (through scientific studies and reliable) and above all reflect on the roles to create role models that fit our needs.

To Pilar Cristóbal, fake orgasms is not a problem, but a "feature". Ensures that all women have faked once, and that begins to occur in men also feel pressure to make the cut in the eyes of women. The debate is

open to all those who want to discuss and review this item ...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How To Get Short Hairstyle Like Megan Good

More of the same ...

is now about to start Big Brother 12 and every time I hear the announcement of the (New?) edition of experiment program inevitably the same malaise that when a leaf through the catalog (New?) exposure, program or art award: "Again the same ?"... But nobody realizes that and they just want the contestants to earn money and take the pull?, If you know what's going on, and he knows all, you know what to do for (successful?) ... more more and more of the same, again and again.

The same is happening with art: more, more and more of the same, again and again.

Many of today's artists have already learned the formula, and not risk the same thing repeated exposures are no longer excited, and do not engage, and do nothing.
remember a student in class said: "I want to win money with what I do", and yes, now exhibiting in a gallery, and winning prizes and scholarships. This is not even two years ago, so something is happening, something goes wrong does the system?, are the artists? ...

Art has just become a way of making money.

Art has ceased to be something exciting that raises questions, which breaks down the spirits shaken.

Where are the artists involved wanted to change things? ... and only art is hung on a nail, to decorate a wall, meaningless art. (Of course, with a great catalog with a foreword bombastic and full of metaphors about life and death if they might not understand and an appointment to the history of art).

The same when they leave the gallery you forget forever.

There is a tremendous fear among artists not to enter into "the circuit", sacrificing creativity and marketability. Since when are artists who have to conform to the formats that sell the galleries?, Are not galleries that must find ways to adapt to the artists and the new proposals, "we are in a peculiar historical moment in which artists are those who seek to galleries (more than one has commented directly pulling away books because they are saturated) and those who make Tourné for the holidays and openings cultivating strategic relationships, because that's the only way to get somewhere. (Today the art would be lost for example, Cezanne, quasi-hermit hiding in his study that he did not like or to be touched.)

more grace I still hear that "so and so" is good because it is the "trend" as if it was not just the artist's work outside the box (which you ask Picasso).

A new edition of Big Brother reminds me to do something, we can not impervious to attend another edition of same and eat the sandwich without getting up to write, even a letter to the editor ...


Monday, June 21, 2010

What Size Notch For A 13 X 13 Ceramic Tile

article in the Salinas Public

Public Journal included an article on draft Katy Salinas and other formats to play with fiction and disseminated through the Internet faster.

The author, Delia Rodriguez, raises interesting questions about the use of "fake" noting that the art of lying has always existed and will exist in the media, photography, advertising and especially today in social networks.

also cites examples of other authors who have used fake artistic purposes, such as Hernan Casciari and his famous "blogoliteratura" or the historic and famous case of Orson Welles and War of the Worlds.

One of the questions that the journalist was why I made using this format. As I said, do not choose the format never before the concept, first I think what I do and then what is the best way to do so. In our time someone who wants to become a "self" is constructed blog as a form of public identity, so I chose this format for the character of Katy Salinas, with the added value that enables the interactivity of the public. Internet for me is one more tool to use if they consider essential for the work, it does not imply that fits all cases, in other actions I have used other channels.

What I always think is important is to investigate new possibilities in the media and uses existing or find new ways of expression that belong to the time when live.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How Do U Speak Through Ipod On Ps3 Mic

Attempted solution to the centralization and abuse of power. Simple

The elite is not powerful because its components are smarter, but they could have an intelligence above the average, but his biggest asset is having widespread selfishness, absolutely essential to carrying out at least some of their plans . No solution
combat is merely structural centralization and globalization of power is the power control is very different areas, and can not be ruled out, looking more than likely, that one of its strategies, whether major or alternatives, may be counting the "protests" citizens that could serve as an attempt to justify his total control.
Only the change of heart putting into practice the wise Doctrine of Our Lord Jesus Christ, which has to be done individually, you can change the course of events.
None of this will change again guided by special interests, which can easily be controlled by the power, either in origin or subsequent injections really easy, with human tendencies. Everything
not propose the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ is radically wrong, either conscious or unconscious, and participates as all selfishness, the plans of the elite.
not resolve an unfair situation and the only remaining indifferent to it, without wanting to improve, or which externally reveals merely because this injustice attacks its interests (including emotional) is due only injustice with justice, that is, putting really do good, to the particular interests surface. And that means not wanting to hold on to nothing visible, nothing material, no obsessive interest in any particular outcome, but trusting in the efficacy of good, love and truth with a capital, which implies trust in its authority and Source.
Of course, with Christ we have everything to gain, and without Him, none. Christ has conquered the world, has conquered the devil, the devil's plans are always wrong, and those of Christ, always right. Watch and pray, we ordered Our Lord Jesus Christ will be deceived logical choice to take the lie, selfishness, the truth and true love, show the reality of any organization, and to any organization must be very careful because if difficult it is to overcome the special interests at the individual level, it is perhaps more difficult to overcome the interests of one group, and not be swayed by his desire to achieve certain surface or material results that might superficially seem interesting, but of which only , one would fall into the clutches of the enemy. If one wants to get out of selfishness, you have to start doing really well, relying on the effectiveness of good in itself, has to think about the real good of everyone, and not dwell on the supposed good of the few, because the latter would not always intend to debug, error, and being deceived.
Christ has conquered the world, and we will work on it, to the extent that we adhere to it. We can not lose the North, and focus on purely material alleged solutions, and therefore false.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Streaming Gangbang Annabel Chong

made living through a peculiar character that has managed just 1 week raise doubts, fear, laughter, compassion, hatred, love, sadness, anger and shock.

Through a blog that has generated over 18,000 visits and over 1,000 comments (posted in the blog, sent to your email and numerous discussion forums), "Katy Salinas, a character who embodies the obsession with beauty in the extreme , has raised many questions over his story about the value given in this society to the physical appearance and how can influence all these messages we constantly receive through the media to keep us forever young and within a specified fee (especially women).

This character recreates the situation of a woman who has dedicated his life to follow all sorts of tips, recipes and hair-raising practices in the various means to stay young and beautiful at any cost, even forgetting to "live."

The work, which on the one hand presents an extreme case of unhappiness (generating enough rejection in the viewer) is otherwise an "ode to life" through all the messages it receives from the people who encouraged out, smile, love, enjoy and live ...

A small script in the form of blog that has managed to shock the viewer in different ways.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Long Does Glandular Fever Last

Katy having fun

living in the process ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Do I Need A Bill Of Sales Ny


Some of you have ever encouraged to write a post about my work and my approach to tackling the issue female and have always tried to keep a little margin because I like the viewer is free to feel what you want and how you want, although it is inevitable to always offer a filtered and subjective reality (is it possible not to?) and Trueba says: "... from the objectivity never seen anything."

Last Friday in another conference Efti let me provide some details of my personal view regarding the issues I and my way of creating that I consider an essential part of everything I do.

Besides the fact that I can not stand idly sitting on the couch watching the amount of things that are done and to change (especially with regard to women) is something fundamental that moves me do what I do and although it may seem childish, is one of the best reasons to continue to do so: that I really enjoy.

I often wonder why I choose a format that is not "marketable" and not get a benefit. Well, my benefit now is that: I enjoy, I think about it, I make people feel it is found ... that's a lot.
The burst art prehistoric fully in everyday life and was seen as a liberating collective experience ... then the art was privatized and left the company abandoning its cultural value for its monetary value.

I think any artist knows if he ever paid for doing what he does, even today, using a commercial format has secured a sale, if you're not happy with what he does is difficult endure over time.

About my attitude "feminist" (A term that is determined to use to catalog the world today that has anything to do with women, whatever ...) I would not mind if I call you, but I would like to clarify that it would be from the role of sufferer, resentful or depressed, quite the opposite!: I'm thrilled.

delighted that we have things to do, that we have to make a move it right, finally we play, is not it fun?. Any challenge is particularly exciting and it excites me. Not sure if it because of my revolutionary nature but all what they have to change things interest me.

My work always has an ironic, almost comical, very present: feel that when you can laugh at something is when you get rid of it.

Fortunately we have many things to change, both men and women, that is the basis of evolution. Most of my actions go to the women themselves because we too have to start changing the chip (and we are already doing).

I think the day I left the oil and turpentine to find more contemporary languages \u200b\u200bthat have to do with time we live in, also resigned from the role of outsider artist, depressed, or tormented (in times of Toulouse Lautrec and Degas understand: the conditions were much worse than ours) but now and in full welfare society who complain of life does not value what you have (or have not traveled much ...).

is important to enjoy what you do, whatever it is what you have chosen.

As always I invite you to share your comments and opinions as creators or as spectators ...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How Long Can You Keep Moet And Chandon Champagne

Talk-talk in Efti

Yesterday we made the Efti chat and it was a pleasure to share with you experiences and personal views on the creative process and never show it all taught but an important part of what later becomes a finished project.

Thank you all for your attendance (it was full!) And my co-conference and Veronika Torrralba Sandra Marquez for his courage and sincerity at the time of presentation of their projects ... was an unforgettable experience.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Water Sprinkler Clip Art

lecture -

On Friday April 9 will participate in a conversation with two other creative where "naked" our creative process: how we plan a project, where ideas come from, how they form and how we develop .

If you want to go is provided free of charge and free entry, why do have to sign because they are limited seats!

April 9, 8:15 p.m..
EFTI. 4 -6 Fuenterrabía Street, Madrid.
Tel: 91 552 99 99

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Which Systems Would Tendonitis Involved With?

"young woman with a good presence" takes to the streets Medellin

Today February 14, the ad formats work much controversy erupted earlier this year in Spain, hits the streets of Medellin, Colombia.

This proposal, which aims to raise questions the viewer about the economic factor in the male-female relationships, is camouflaged in an ad format street to get to any passer-by and invites you to participate by providing an email address to which can be addressed.

This "living" also took place last October in Madrid, Spain, and had a great impact on the media, as well to cause hundreds of emails with comments, suggestions and testimonials from people who had seen the poster, some response to the listing for the girl, others describing similar situations or simply to express their reactions.

Thanks to media coverage, a Colombian woman and student of psychology, sensitized to the situation of women in his country, took the initiative to contact me to carry out the action as well in his city: "... the situation of women here in my city is really worrying ..." "... women sleep with men only by giving them gifts, even women who only have 16, 17, 18 or a little more !..." "... try to do something to help women, to open eyes, to awaken this macho lethargy in which my company is so imbedded specifically .... "

Then it seemed like a great idea and even more so being in Colombia, a country culturally very alive, so today thanks to your help (and adaptation of the text) "young girl ..." back out to the streets to stir consciences and ask questions.

special thanks this woman, who now prefers to remain anonymous, sensitivity and social commitment.

As always, I invite you all to comment on what you want.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Free Tests For The Cogat

Impact of Living "I ask for a Chanel" in different media: Journal
20 Minutes, Antena 3, Onda Cero, English television and The Sixth among others.