Saturday, April 2, 2011

Masterbation In Muslim


Here is the editorial of El Nacional today, April 2, 2011, since it summarizes what Red Flag has been raising since January this year, by the way of our 41th anniversary: \u200b\u200b BUILD TOP UNIT . The evidence so the correctness of our proposal, because different partisan political factors, social organizations, NGOs and individuals have taken the approach independent as their own. So, little by little, though the councils, exclusions and sectarianism, it is understood the need for a unity that transcends parties but brings them together with social organizations, popular, guilds, unions, women's, youth, finally, with the forces of the country that are not in the MUD. only thus will victory.

In Barquisimeto
signal an event yesterday at the Dome Bolivarian Barquisimeto, Lara governor, Henri Falcon, a leader who has dared to come face to face Chavez and his military cohorts, brought together in a mass not only a popular crowd expressed its criticism of the government, but required urgently to the opposition parties forming a Progressive Front for Change.

Henri Falcón For the governor, what is important at this historical moment is to define a scenario in which we must be "a country of equals, no messiah" (...) and therefore issued a call for unity "to achieve democracy, to live in tolerance and respect. " Warned of the need to "build the Venezuela that the country wants, and will be made in the Bureau of the unit and beyond the Bureau of Democratic Unity."

The last, crucial sentence in the sense that they must go "beyond the Table of Unity, is essential to from the opposition who do not identify with the parties belonging to the MUD, quite apart from their achievements and shortcomings. Because the MUD for the big stage of the country is not a big piggy box where everything is placed in advance. In contrast, the table should be a place of multiple convergences and not inherited corrupt hegemonies.

If the MUD is established on the ruins of the parties of the Fourth Republic, then we are lost as Venezuelans. Backward

many works and achievements but also vast corrupt and multiple complications. What the new Venezuela wants goes far beyond the intrigues of those who were associated with the debacle of democracy. At this point, we can not allow the gravediggers of our democracy now raise as their saviors. Please, this road is closed forever.

So there should be an arena in which to shine some public virtue, a capacity to focus on popular issues long neglected by the Social Democrats and the Social. The success of the Bolivarian decrees and reflects the brutal abandonment of the traditional parties to the attention of the popular sectors. Do not forget that.

now has the choice of a presidential candidate in a party conclave, as if they had nothing to do with the tragedy we live. They think innocent, but the public does not believe them. And how will believe them if they have not made the slightest regret. Still just like, cheating. That way he will lose in 2012.

How wonderful it would be the entire opposition (and not the MUD) could intervene in the election popular presidential candidate. With the participation of trade unions, trade unions, workers, students, inhabitants of the subdivisions and neighborhoods. People, the crowd can do everything and say so.


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