Heras Patricia is a young woman the night of February 4, 2006 fell off the bike as he returned home with a friend, after a night party in a flat. By the fall, were injured and were ambxs vistxs for a couple of testigxs they called an ambulance. Patricia and her friend were trasladadxs to a hospital where their injuries attended to cure them, when they were asaltadxs ambxs by police officers who began their nightmare. She herself said, the hospital directly to hell.
Arrested without any evidence, was taken to police station, threatened, tortured and accused of taking part in the events of Sant Pere Mes Baix, during which a guard was in a state urban vegetable to fall on the pot that someone had thrown from a balcony. Specifically, Patricia had been guilty of throwing a fence to another operator who would have caused a bruise on his thigh.
Neither the apparent contradictions in the statements of both the city police and the no-applied to the leather nor the continuing and serious irregularities in the conduct of the trial were able to save Patricia of a destination that already had been assigned even before be stopped. 3 years in prison for undermining of the authority was his punishment in 2008 for a crime she did not commit because he was not even in the scene (this can be corroborated by many sources and witnesses, as much as the cops vegan and periodontal shift listxs not interested clarify).
In October 2010, Patricia enters the women's prison Wad Ras (Karcelona), passing on December 18, 2010 to open prisons, after spending six months locked up because of mounting perfectly legal and police orchestrated by the city of Barcelona. Thus is the "only" obligation to return every night to sleep prison.
Perhaps for many people this would free but not face adversity all the comrades in the same way and Patricia failed to clear his head torture, humiliation and, in general, the nightmare in which four walls, some bars , and hostile control, constantly monitoring the steps of every soul imprisoned, transformed overnight. Go out, knowing that nobody will look like before, and not you, you are just a byproduct of what you were (or what I refused to be), hurt and above all, if every night you have to go back there , so that the sound of the keys locking the door of your feelings are anxious for suyxs remind us that we are still, still are not free.
Patricia was finally overcome the difficulties and decided to win their freedom in the most simple and at the same time, more difficult, wrenching life.
I'm not here enter into debate about whether the decision was more or less disproportionate, it's yours, period, no more to say.
On Thursday 28 held a rally in memory of Patricia that went through several streets wielding torches and shouting slogans such as "The prisons are centers of extermination" "It's not suicide, is murder," "Your gates will not keep silent our cry of freedom" or "Patricia Heras, or Oblitas no loss" (Patricia Heras, neither forget nor forgive), until arriving at the prison in Wad Ras, where been pushed to suicide (killed, if a port plate and uniform does not get it the first) to Patricia Heras.
While the demonstration remained concentrated on the exterior of the prison, could be heard at all times the cries of support from fellow ex-prisoners of Homer, whose voice the protest made sense and filled the odd glance of tears (and anger). According to informed sources posteriori near some dams, vegan carcelerxs threatened with reprisals if they continued shouting out the window but still, the protest did not stop, thus demonstrating that neither the repression and threats of hell to keep our anger, now irreversible, against a structure dehumanizes us and we simply used as a bargaining chip in an insane market.
Patricia was not an anti as the media have painted and police sources nor a squat or a kind of insurrectionist. It was a normal girl, who was the victim of revenge by a State unable to find responsible, decided once again to dip into farce and manipulation with the sole purpose to build a compelling story with which to satisfy the common people who, like who throws stones at his roof, continue to seek justice vegan mismxs that generate injustice. Patricia was one of the pieces that allowed the state to scrap a good impression to the public, accusing it of violence in the aunt who went to life with no fucking reason, knowing full well (because they knew it, we are not cínicxs these heights) that he was innocent.
In today's world, where injustice is winning and the pursuit of social justice is stigmatized and persecuted, we find no reason to expect and therefore continue to call to revolt. For the prison only is the most savage and inhuman systematic violence with which this socio-political fabric punishes the difference or sometimes as in this case, the simple innocence. There are crimes, it is true but these crimes, the vast majority are by-product of policies that benefit only vegan privilegiadxs at the expense of increasingly unbearable expense of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Who is considered unethical to rob a bank?, Only cuantxs locxs unxs. Who is considered negligible that a bank is increasingly enriched at the expense of further impoverish the people?, Only unxs cuantxs. Draw out conclusions. In jail poverty is punished, nothing more. It tries to convince the people from police and other mercenarixs of the state "is necessary" or "some people just deserve to be in there" but a lie, the prison is not reinserted, only turns people into monsters based beatings , isolation, drugs (medication call it), fear, torture and constant abuse. Because in this world, built on the basis of performance, company-drill, no-life, mirrors that distort reality in storefronts and shopping centers, the only people that matter are the productive, profitable ones, those who obey without question some laws made to become a fucking flock, without soul or dreams of a plutocracy esclavxs the style of Orwell in 1984.
A system that grows and builds increasingly extending the course of movement of goods while at the same time and in parallel, decreasing the free movement of persons. A system that only seeks profit above life, preferring natural environments devastate whole if it guarantees a privileged position from which to contemplate with eyes that this absurd stomachs rat race, where they trampled each other to achieve the piece of poisoned cheese.
This was only a brief reflection on the need of rebellion against this system, however, if I added it has been for the sole reason that if Patricia is, for me, just another case of murder by the state will not receive their deserved punishment, nor its response. I know that Patrick was not an anarchist, I know that Patricia had nothing to do with what happened in Sant Pere Mes Baix but still, I can not hide my heart full of anger and resentment, I can not escape this vital necessity that has become for me to direct action against this system.
Because the most violent of all, it was back to normal.
On Tuesday we left Patricia Heras, a young woman committed suicide because he could not understand why I had to put up a rematch of the State for a crime he did not commit. A girl committed suicide because he could not cope with the disease and presxs tantxs common comrades has been no possibility of rehabilitation, no chance to amend his crime, perseguidxs ad nauseum by the system-no second chances, the system second chances only if you can afford them.
Today from here cry for her again, and pointed as the main culprit of his death to Joan Clos, who was then mayor of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJordi Hereu, current mayor who then held the position of Councillor for safety and mobility of the municipality of Barcelona and ultimately all LA Anarchist individuxs that make and confirm its complicity with the murderer and ruthless criminal justice system.
What more do we need to react?, "Cuántxs muertxs will take, how many mothers / fathers burying their many hijxs?.
leave the following link with information about the concentration in Zaragoza for the death of Homer, where the police charged on two occasions against demonstrators vegan ( click here.)
also leave link to a letter from the mother of Rodrigo Lanza, who also is being held victim to this same setup for a couple of years, the mayor of Karcelona, \u200b\u200bregarding the death of Patricia. Read here. Just
also leave link to a letter from the mother of Rodrigo Lanza, who also is being held victim to this same setup for a couple of years, the mayor of Karcelona, \u200b\u200bregarding the death of Patricia. Read here. Just
civics, enough of cheap populism.
From Galicia, a big hug to all LA Anarchist Karcelona to resist the rhythm of everyday life and of course, my sincere, warm and heartfelt condolences to the family and allegadxs Patri. You are not solxs.
For vegan muertxs for encarceladxs vegan for desheredadxs vegan.
Not a minute of silence a lifetime of rebellion.
Patricia, do not forget even your murderers either. We are not looking martyrs seek revenge.
Not a minute of silence a lifetime of rebellion.
Patricia, do not forget even your murderers either. We are not looking martyrs seek revenge.
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